Well hellooooooo there. It's been a wee while has it not?
We had a lovely time on holiday in bonny but a rainy and midgey Scotland. Since we've been back, Mr J and P and myself have been driving Little Miss a wee bit bonkers because we've both developed a very
annoying lovely Scottish accent and we really cannae stop. Remember Robin Williams in Mrs Doubtfire? Yes, dearies, just like that. V authentic.
We went to the Isle of Mull:
Tobermory is the capital of Mull with a population of 700 |
Tobermory's colourful houses line the harbour |
I like this picture of a church's gate painted in the Scottish flag colours |
Little Miss J and P painting her nails on one of the many gorgeous beaches we visited |
This beach was on the Isle of Iona. And it was postively hot! |
Mr and Little Miss had this beach on Mull all to themselves. In the distance, those mountains you can see are on the Isle of Jura. They are called the Paps of Jura, although there are three of them, oddly! |
We also visited the Grandpapster himself in the Lake District. Here is Little Miss J and P sitting, rather precariously on a fallen tree trunk in front of a raging waterfall (I promise you, it really was raging):
The Gosforth Agricultural show suffered from a little mud this year:
We've also managed to paint Little Miss J and P's room. Now, I've nothing against pink but the grubby pink walls were really starting to grate. So, we've obliterated all traces of pink and now her walls are a perfect white. A little bland, I know, but, to tell the truth, I'm quite enjoying the blandness of it all.
Ruined only by too many pics of Justin Bieber:
Btw, guess who's drawn the short straw and is going with Little Miss J and P to see Justin Bieber in concert next year? Not me! Mr J and P is not a happy bunny I can tell you. *snigger*.
Oh yes, back to the room........I have offered to perk up her exceedingly boring but very cheap bedside drawers from IKEA....
with a lovely patchwork of vintage wallpaper. But she won't have it! Mr J and P says that he doesn't blame her. I know, I know, *shakes head sadly* they've got no taste.
See this:
Nice isn't it? 50p from a jumble sale. Perfect for Little Miss J and P's plethora of knicknacks, don't you think? I've offered to spruce it up a little. You know, paint it white and pop some pretty papers in the cubby holes. She's not having that either. *cross face*. I think I'm going to spruce it up anyway and drill it onto her wall when she's out. That'll teach her.
I was fully prepared for a snort of derision and a cry of "That's disgusting, mum" (as is her want) when I showed her this mirror. I retrieved from the ancestoral home. In fact, I remember my dad painting it gold many moons ago. Anyway, Little Miss actually liked it. But not the colour. Well, that's alright. I've been rummaging in the cellar where we keep old paints and found the aqua colour that we used in our kitchen. That'll do nicely, methinks. I'll let you know how I get on.
Love you all. xxxxx