This tagging mallarky has been going round blogland for some weeks now and I've only just got my act together to answer the questions. Typical me. Slow off the mark. As usual.
OK, here's
Alex's questions:
1) Are you a morning or a night person?
2) Have you ever stolen anything? (be honest, I won't set the law on you)
Yes, a bag of potatoes from a party. My friend walked off with a bag of onions.
3) What is your favourite word?
4) What can't you live without?
5) Who/what do you have an irrational dislike of?
I have an irrational dislike and fear of competent mums.
6) Where is your favourite place to eat out?
Cafe Spice Namaste (although haven't been there in aaaages) - yummy Indian food with a mediterranean twist (according to the blurb).
7) Who is the cleverest person you know?
I know lots of clever people.
8) What was the last film that you saw at the cinema? Was it any good?
Something with squeaky animals and no, it wasn't good.
9) What is your guilty tv pleasure?
Although, it wasn't a particulary "pleasurable" experience, Mr J and P and myself watched "Paris Hilton's BFF" on a regular basis.
10) Where did you last go on holiday?
Nimes in southern France.
11) What makes you go "GAHHHHHHHHHHHHH"?
The trail of destruction and mess that Little Miss J and P leaves in her wake on a daily basis. Particularly on the stairs. They are a death trap.
Here's Melanie's questions:
1. If you could go shopping in any era, which would it be.
60s70s as I'd like to revisit Biba.
2. Official other half aside, who would your dream date be?
David Mitchell. Not a looker, I know, but he's hilarious.
Oooh, he looks quite cute here! |
3. Who were/was the last band/artiste you saw live?
Morrissey/Stooges/Lou Reed/Patti Smith/Magazine at the Hop Farm Festival last year.
4. Do you have any phobias.
Moths. I may have mentioned this before but one morning I couldn't leave the house because there was a huge moth on the front door. I had to send Little Miss J and P out to a near neighbour who had to come in and dispose of the moth before I could venture forth.
5. What is your favourite film.
Whatever Happened to Baby Jane (I love Bette Davis).
6. What is your favourite song.
Oh, this changes all the time. At the moment, I'm stuck in a 60s timewarp and am loving Paper Sun by Traffic. Check out the video and how low tech it was.
7. How tall are you (I have a near obsessive need to know how tall people are).
8. What is your earliest memory.
I'd like to say something interesting here but I have a terrible memory.
9. Tea, or coffee?
Coffee or mint tea.
10. Favourite literary character.
Humpty Dumpty.
11. Favourite actor/actress.
Bette Davis. Johnny Depp.
Here's Ann's questions:
1. Slippers/Shoes or bare feet.
Definitely footwear, my feet are not my best feature.
2. Where did you go for your last walk?
Connaught Water and its environs (Chingford, Essex).
3. Favourite colour and why.
I'm more into colour combos and I have lots of favourites eg. orange, brown & yellow; blue & green, orange & red, pink & yellow and so on and so forth.
4. Which is your favourite West End (or elsewhere) show.
The Sound of Music.
5. Are you practical or academic?
A bit of both.
6. What is/or was your favourite Nursery Rhyme?
Humpty Dumpty.
7. Are you a Leader or a Follower?
8. High heels or flatties?
9. Swimming or the gym
Swimming. I've only been to the gym about twice in my life and I hated every second of it.
10. Where was your best UK holiday
I've had lots. Cornwall & the Lake District are always good.
11. Most daring thing you have ever done.
Giving up work in my 20s and travelling.
Here's Clare's questions:
1. Who is your most bizarre celebrity crush?
David Mitchell as above.
2. What is/Would be your karaoke song?
Born to be Wild by Steppenwolf or anything from Grease.
3. If you could invent your own course and teach it, what would it be?
Charity Shopping: the myth, the merits and the misery.
4. Zombie Apocalypse weapon of choice?
Dennis, our rabbit.
He may look cute, but he's a savage beastie. |
5. What period in history would you most like to visit?
Swinging sixties.
6. What's the most unusual food you've eaten
Kangaroo meat.
7. Have you met any celebrities?
Bruce Dickinson, lead singer of Iron Maiden, once chatted me and a friend up in a bar.
Eeeeek!! |
Pinched Lemmy's bottom at a club.
I'm thinking he's looking almost fanciable in this pic |
Suggsy and other members of Madness. In fact, attempted to take them to a club but was refused entry!
Awww, cute boys. |
8. How long have you been thrifting/op shopping/jumble saleing?
Since teens.
9. Which childhood cartoon/tv program scared you the most?
None as far as I can remember.
10. What are 3 of your favourite books?
Vikram Seth - A Suitable Boy
Sarah Waters - Tipping the Velvet
Margaret Atwood - The Blind Assasin
11. What is your favourite film?
As above
Lordy, this has taken me an age to do. Not that I'm complaining. No. Not me.
The rules of this tag say that I'm to write 11 random things about myself but I'm going to skip that part (I've got brain ache, sorry) and instead here are my 11 questions:
1. What is your most annoying habit?
2. Do you have a celebrity twin and, if so, who?
3. Why did you start blogging?
4. Your favourite holiday ever?
5. Best ever "thrift" buy?
6. What book are you reading at the moment?
7. Any embarassing incidences at work that you'd like to share with us?
8. What do you collect?
9. If you put your ipod/mp3 player on shuffle, what are the first 5 songs? Or, if you prefer, favourite 5 songs?
10. Can you play a musical instrument?
11. Have you ever made anything which turned out a complete and utter disaster?
I would like to tag the following bloggers. Feel free to answer them (or not) as the case may be:
Grateful for Crochet
Tea at Weasels
Shortbread & Ginger
Miss Tea
Hearts of Hampshire
Vintage Knitter