Greetings dear readers from a delicate headed blogger.
At Lovebox Festival on Saturday (see previous post), whose brilliant idea was it to site the dodgems within easy reach of a bunch of marauding 40 somethings (or in Mr J and P's case 50 something)? One abiding memory of the day was watching one friend on said dodgems driving around with one arm in the air whooping and yelping like a complete loon. I, for one, am currently suffering from severe dodgem related injuries: stiff neck and shoulder and achey knee and hip having been on the dodgems 5 times in total (how I had time to see any of the bands I do not know). And as for Mr J and P, well he virtually had to be stretchered home as he was feeling a little worse for wear (aaah bless).
Dear readers, this is what happens when a group of old timers, who don't get out much, are unleashed at a festival. They run amok.
Anyway, enough of this nonsense. The day was great. Paloma Faith was fab. We got a bit bored, dare I say, with Mark Ronson and it was at this point that we discovered the aforementioned dodgems. Rumours were abound that Duran Duran were joining him on stage, and one of our party did hear what sounded like "Planet Earth" in the distance but we were otherwise occupied. Roxy Music were, of course, fabulous. Love them!
Undoubtedly, the best news of the weekend was hearing that I've received an award!! Yes. Me!!! From the lovely Karen at
Sitting Oh So Pretty. Here it is:

A "This Blog is Charming" award!! Thank you Karen. I now have to bore you all with a few things all about little old meeeeee. Here we go (this won't take long, promise..):
1. I suffer from mottephobia! A fear of moths. Attempting to leave the house one morning to take Little Miss J and P to school, I spied a rather large fat bodied moth on the inside of the front door. This meant, of course, that I couldn't leave the house! I had to send Miss J and P out to a neighbour who then had to come in and dispose of the moth before I could venture forth. How mad is that!
2. I don't know my right from my left. (Oh no, you're going to think I'm a right loon now).
3. My favourite near-death experience was many moons ago on a visit to Newcastle (north east England) to see friends. Five of us, crammed into a mini, decided to visit Lindisfarne (aka Holy Island) a tiny tidal island in the North Sea accessed by a causeway.
On arriving at the causeway, one of our party checked the safe crossing times and announced that high tide wasn't until 8 pm. So off we went, had a lovely day frolicking in and around the ruins of the priory and castle. Decided to leave at 3 pm as we had a coach to catch back to London.
On arriving at the causeway in the mini, the tide was (yes you guessed it )already coming in, rather fast, I might add (the aforementioned member of our party had mis-read the tide timetable). Foolishly, the male members of the party wanted to drive across the causeway regardless (coach to catch and Mr J and P was starting a new job the next day) so off we went with one member of the party jogging ahead (I kid you not) to guide us along because by this time, dear readers, the causeway was completely covered by the sea.
At some point, our good friend stopped and waved at us to go back. He climbed back in the car, having been knee-deep in water, and the driver had to reverse some distance back to the safety of land - bearing in mind, that you could see no road only sea. I remember all the while, my female friend saying her "Hail Marys" while I was convinced that we were all going to die!
We had to wait until 8 pm to cross the causeway safely at low tide and had to take the midnight coach back down to London (Mr J and P started his new job that morning with virtually zero sleep). Oh what fun we had....
4. I'm half Italian and half Polish but can speak neither language (nor any other language for that matter).
5. I've seen Madness (the band if you please) in concert 10 times. Impressive huh?
Now I have to pass the This Blog is Charming award to two other bloggers. Ooh this is hard as I love reading all my blog favourites, but I have to choose so here we go:
The Bounty Huntress. She's definitely worth a visit if you don't know her already. She's hilarious and always has an interesting story to tell about her thrifting adventures.
Pencils and Pins. Not only is she thrifting mad but she's creative and very talented as well.
Well, ttfn, early to bed for me (some people just can't take the pace can they?).