Hurrah! A jumble sale. Not the world's greatest but a jumble sale nevertheless. It wasn't very well attended and we were third in the queue which is a never before happening (mind you there were only about 10-15 people in total). Still, it was good to have a virtual free run of the place with no jostling or having to squeeze in amongst the crowds to have a rummage. Well do take a look at what we bought..

This is my daughter proudly posing with her purchases (she also wanted to show off her fab t-shirt) a Tracy Beacker DVD (brand new, cellophane wrapped) and a brand new Jacqueline Wilson diary for next year (it's not date specific - so perfect for the Jacqueline Wilson obsessed girlie). All for 60p.

A bright orange Manic Street Preaches t-shirt for a mere 35p which looks as if it's never been worn. I really like the colour and I also like the Manic Street Preachers but it's XL so I'm going to have to think about what to do with it (give it away probably).

The green top on the left is from Per Una. It's not really me and I might give it away. The cotton white smocky affair is really quite nice (Primark) but a little too small - size 10 - what was I thinking! But I know the very person that I can give that to. 30p for both. A bargain.

Two packs of birthday cards for 20p and top buy award, this week, goes to my dearly beloved who spotted the Pass the Pigs game (box a bit battered but contents in perfect nick) and got it for 10p.

Vying for top buy award this week is this pretty embroidered table cloth ("a work of art" declared the dearly beloved)for 35p. Doesn't fit any of our tables and we don't use table cloths but will add to the pile of table cloths we don't use and gaze at it lovingly now and then.