I've been grumpy all week since I realised that I missed out on a jumble sale last weekend. And not just any old jumble sale, dear readers, - it was advertised as "probably the best jumble sale in the world". Aaaargh!
And what the devil was I doing last Saturday morning? Tending to ailing pets (see my previous post if you must) that's what I was doing. When I could have been jumbling to my hearts content. Bah!
Luckily I have the spoils from a jumble sale earlier in the summer to show you.
So what are we waiting for?
Let me introduce to you my gorgeous Hornsea mugs (a John Clappison design):
Mermaid |
A Chinese temple theme going on here |
These mugs go for silly money on eBay so I was more than happy to pay 50p each for them. Quite frankly, dahlinks, I wouldn't drink out of anything else.
I was delighted to add this wooden handled ermmmm utensil thingummy to my ever-increasing collection.
I think it's some sort of mashing implement. I dunno. Who cares. I love it anyway. 10p.
My first proper Pyrex casserole dish complete with lid. 30p.
Since taking the piccy of the Pyrex, some clumsy oaf (mentioning no names) dropped the lid and smashed it. *Sad face*
Doilies galore for 20p:
A selection of linens - some of which will be perfect for patchwork purposes when I have the time:
I really wondered what I was doing when I picked up my next item and found myself paying 50p for it. We already have 4 colanders at J and P Towers and this one was in a very grubby and sorry state. Well, it scrubbed up brilliantly, as you can see and is now doubling up as a fruit bowl in the kitchen!
Mmmmmm, what do you think this little beauty is?
It's an Empire made garden umbrella with a clamp that you can attach to your sun lounger. How genius is that! It's in fabulous nick and only cost 50p.
I cannot, for the life of me, remember the make of this. I'm not massively keen on the design but I quite like the shape and it's a perfect receptacle for my vintage knitting needles (40p for the receptacle
and the knitting needles - bargain).
A rather manky letter holder but I'm going to spruce it up, you see if I don't:
I'm a bit OCD about flasks. Yes, I did say flasks. As you know, we are a family of 3. We now have a grand total of 3 food flasks and 6 ordinary flasks plus one of those insulated mugs and I have, for my own personal use, a NATO issue flask mug. (I know exactly what you're thinking). Anyway, we are very fussy about our flasks. No cheap rubbish for the likes of us. We favour the Aladdin and the Stanley makes of flasks - the Mercedes Benz and the Rolls Royce of the flask world. I'm sensing that I'm losing some of you non-flask aficionados out there, so I'll cut to the chase and suffice to say that I was jumping with joy when Mr J and P scored the Aladdin Adventurer food flask, brand new and unused in its box for a mere quid. Result!
Well, that's all folks. Mr J and P is cooking dinner and I'm off to quaff some vino. It's Friday night after all.
May you have a bargain filled weekend. TTFN. xxxxxx
Linking to:
Thrift Share Monday
Flea Market Finds