Wednesday, 11 June 2014

Mr That'll Do Desmond and Ms Bare Minimum Betty strike again

Hello world.

It's been a while.

We've been busy.  Reluctantly so.

You see, Mr J and P and me (aka Mr That'll Do Desmond and Ms Bare Minimum Betty) are becoming dab hands at cleaning up after builders.

Yes, we've had them in AGAIN and yes, we've spent an age clearing up after them.  It's so boring.  All I want to do is fritter round the edges.  You know, sew a few cushion covers, make paper bunting, play with vintage wallpaper and washi tape.  Frankly, I'm sick of this heavy duty cleaning lark.

One thing that we've got the builders to do is something that we've ALWAYS done ourselves and that is painting.  So we've had the kitchen and the back bedroom painted.  

The kitchen walls are now green and for some inexplicable reason they almost made me want to go out and buy loads of green accessories.  Yes, me!  As you know, I'm not a matchy matchy type of person. 

Peer through the bottles of wine and you can see the green we chose:

Very feeble attempts at green matchy matchyness:

The back bedroom looks very minimalist at the moment.  Just the bed at the moment. 

 and a little vintage metal container which I sprayed white and which is being used as a very small bedside table.  The little lavender pillow you see is from lovely Jenny.

I've painted one Billy book case which needs to go back in (more about the Billy book case debacle when I feel strong enough to blog about it).  We had a second Billy book case in the room originally but I've decided that it's for the chop.  The room is too small to accommodate both.

 Mr J and P is not a happy bunny because getting rid of the book case means that we need to pare down our books *gulp*.  He's a little bugger when it comes to books and even more useless at culling his collection than me.  Even worse, he's still buying books when I've actually stopped (I know I'm buying every damn thing else but we'll gloss over that for the mo.....).

I hate to sound like an uneducated moron, but his books are so darn thick.  They take up far too much room on the shelves.
Thick tomes.

At least I've found a good use for his four volumes (yes, I said four volumes) of Don Quixote:

Propping up the telly very nicely:

Bye all. xx