Friday, 7 February 2014

Attention to detail is not my strong point

I've always liked the white acrylic cuckoo clock in our hallway but felt it looked a little bland against the yellow wall.

So, I rediscovered some glorious 70s wallpaper from the fabulous Vintage Sheet Addict which was languishing in a drawer.  I traced round the clock and hacked away at the outline using a (virtually blunt) craft knife.

I wasn't able to remove the clock hands so I cut the wallpapering covering in half (badly) and glued it on the clock easing it around the middle bit and the hands.

Et voila!

If you look very carefully you can see the joins of the two halves of wallpaper and a fair few bubbles. *Sigh* I did say that my attention to detail was rubbish didn't I?

Mr J and P says that the solution is dim lighting.  The man has a point.

Little Miss J and P says that I needn't worry, she won't be looking at it anytime soon as "it's so disgusting." Errr thanks.

Oh well, I'm quite pleased with it and it doesn't look too botched....from a distance... [STOP PRESS:  when I last looked at the clock this morning, I couldn't see any bubbles whatsoever *huzzah*]

How about you?  What are you like when you're doing a spot of diy or being creative?  Are you, like me, a "devil-may-care dumb-ass"?  Or a "picky perfectionist"?  I'd love to know.  xx