The sad ruins of our kitchen:
We can't find a thing because everything is where it shouldn't be:
The downstairs loo without the loo:
There's even a bloody cement mixer parked in our beloved dining room which Mr J and P has a habit of colliding with, turning the already dusty air blue with his swearing.
Never have I been so happy to be going to work. Particularly as now our next door neighbours have got the builders in too. Poor old Mr J and P is currently at home, in between jobs, and I keep getting emails from him saying "It's like the fall of Berlin here" and "news from the bunker....." and "Oh God, there's a builders' convention right outside our house."
The only thing that is keeping me and Mr J and P sane(ish) is our nightly dose of Breaking Bad (just finished season 2 fyi).
See you on the other side... xx