Some of you may remember that I've got a ridiculous amount of jars cluttering up our kitchen worktop (see
here and
here for evidence!). So, when I saw a set of three 1960s Crown Devon sugar, tea and coffee jars in Oxfam recently for a reasonable £9.99 (I've seen them for sale elsewhere for at least double that), I said to myself sternly "Loo, you do not need yet another tea, coffee, sugar receptacle. Walk away. Walk away now before you do something you may later regret."
Or words to that effect.
The design is "Carnaby Daisy" and was inspired by Mary Quant |
So, I walked away.
Later, Mr J and P, who had a half day off, rang me from the station to ask whether we needed anything from the supermarket. I told him that we didn't but could he pop into Oxfam and buy the three vintage looking jars for £9.99 please.
He did.
I know, I'm a very bad person indeed.
In other news, I was very lucky to win
Emma-Kate's giveaway recently. Just look at this beautiful wooden crate that she painted especially for Little Miss J and P.
Isn't she clever? Emma-Kate I mean. You are too, Little Miss J and P, but you are "easily distracted" (just like your parents) and need to focus more. Plus you need to spend less time on social media. Just saying.....
Where the heck was I? (Perhaps, you could tell that we've recently been to parents' evening..). Aaah yes, back to Emma-Kate. I also got these glorious tea towels and fabby nail varnish.
Thank you Emma-Kate, I love everything and Little Miss has declared the wooden crate "sick" which is high praise indeed.
Before I toddle off, just letting you know that this Saturday, Mr J and P and myself are off to see:
Too excited for words.....
Hope y'all have a fabulous weekend too. xx